A kung fu thriller set during the Ming Dynasty and centered on a secret service agent (Donnie Yen) in the emperor's court who is betrayed and then hunted by...
Trained in clandestine combat from childhood, the Jinyiwei were masters of the 14 Blades. Above the law and with a license to kill, they devoted their lives and lethal prowess to the service of the Emperor alone. When the Imperial Court is taken over by evil eunuch JIA, the best of the Jinyiwei, QINGLONG is assigned to steal a list identifying those still loyal to the Emperor. Unbeknownst to Qinglong, the Jinyiwei have fallen under the control of Jia, and during the mission he’s betrayed and barely escapes with his life.Now as the most wanted man in the land Qinglong must seek out and rally the loyalists to rise against Jia and restore the Emperor to power.In his way are the deadliest assassins in the land, his former brethren, the Jinyiwei.
I'm impressed with the story because directly or indirectly it relates to my self..sometimes a man has to do everythings for the sake of their responsibilities without bethering their beloved ones, all I mean that he HAS to sacrifice his loves for the sake of his future..Qing Long is a very very brave man, he's a hero to his country and to a 'woman'...the heroin really hope for a hero,eventhough she knows that she has to marry a man that already been doing scandle with someone else..because she has no choice,because she's a woman (you know at that time..)but..
Sooner or later her dreams come true,because she's really strong and full of spirit..then she met with Qing Long, the real man. Love come unexpectedly..she doesn't realise that she loves him. Till at a moment when she'll do everything for him.. I still remember her word "no matter you lie to me or you tell me the truth, I'll always follow you..for the sake of you.Because I know all you always want to do is to protect me." Yes. Qing Long 'm'pergunakan die' because he wants her to be escaped from the bad people..and at the same time Qing Long teaches her to be brave..eventhough without him by her side..
At last, he manage to safe the his country and his beloved ones..the only one,coz he has no one in his life..
Go and watch frens!!all the 14 blades that belongs to Qing Long are really cool and high tech meh...!
I watch by my self, all the audiences in the cinema hall are chinese..and I could feel their spirits..
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Posted by laila at 7:13 PM
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