ehm busy day today. I've done something crazy early in this morning.As usual, wani, scha and me went late for kuliyah today...then, we got a massage from our friend says that the lecturer, Dr. Razi was really angry with those who come late just. We,who are still in the bus got really scared to death..haha..then, we decided not to enter the kuliyah..hehe.. scared meh..
We asked a favor from a friend to sign the attendance for us..hehe( naughty right? ).What to do.. Rule no.1, "always play on the safe side". While waiting for the class to be ended, we spent our time shopping at the PKP. I bought BA workbook, a motivational poster, a magazine and print my beloved sportscars picture. I'll spend for whatever things that i think it's worth it. 'think before you throw your money'..hehe...
ehm actually, I have an important assignment to be settled up, that is 'Dakwah Assignment'. But I've no mood to do must be written in arabic (that makes me going mad like a cow..! huhu...).But no sweat. i have a hero to help me with this thing.It's not that he'll do every single things for me,but he'll help in that 'arabic' language... Alhamdulillah...
Ok! gotta go...see you all next time..daa salam=)
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